Welcome To S.P. Eye Care Centre

We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result.

Welcome to our state-of-the-art eye hospital, where your vision is our top priority. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of eye care services, using the latest technology and techniques to ensure optimal results. Whether you need a routine eye exam or advanced treatments for complex eye conditions, we are here to support you every step of the way. Come visit us and experience the difference at our eye hospital today!

Our Location

Opp. B.A.M. Khalsa College,
Sri Anandpur Sahib Road Garshankar Distt. Hoshiarpur

Our Facilities

We offer a variety of facilities such as eye exams, surgeries, vision therapy, pediatric eye care, and emergency eye care.

Our Services

At our eye hospital, we provide a wide range of services to help you maintain healthy vision and address any eye-related issues you may have.

Make An Appointment

See the world in a better light – schedule your appointment today!

Book an appoitnment

+91 79865-43029

We utilize cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best possible treatment

We constantly strive to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field of ophthalmology, so that we can provide our patients with the highest level of care possible. Whether you need a routine eye exam or a complex surgical procedure, you can trust that we have the technology and expertise to deliver the best possible results.

“At S.P. Eye Care Centre, we are committed to providing our patients with the latest and most advanced technology for eye care treatment”


Dr. S.P. Singh

Founder of S.P. Eye Care Centre

Our Expertise

Our expertise lies in providing comprehensive eye care services to patients of all ages with our state-of-the-art technology and equipment enable us to perform complex eye surgeries with precision and accuracy


Night Blindness

Our hospital provides advanced diagnosis and treatment for night blindness (nyctalopia), including identifying underlying causes and personalized treatment plans to improve vision in low-light conditions.


Retina Checkup

Our hospital uses retina scanning technology for secure biometric identification, providing enhanced safety and access control to restricted areas.


Yag Laser

Our hospital offers professional lens cleaning services using specialized equipment and high-quality solutions, to maintain clarity and prolong the lifespan of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other types of lenses.

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Our hospital offers advanced surgical treatment for white cataracts, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to restore clear vision and improve overall quality of life for our patients.


Our hospital provides advanced surgical treatment for black cataracts, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to restore clear vision and improve overall quality of life for our patients.

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Refractive Errors

We offer comprehensive eye exams and advanced treatments to correct refractive errors, which refer to farsightedness and nearsightedness.

Why People Trust Us

Trust us for your vision care needs – our commitment to excellence, compassionate approach, and state-of-the-art technology make us the premier choice for your eye health

High Quality Equipments

Our commitment to investing in high-quality equipment allows us to provide our patients with the most advanced and effective treatments

Unmatched Expertise

Benefit from our unparalleled expertise - trust our experienced team for your eye care needs

Precise Result

Experience the precision of our state-of-the-art technology - delivering the best possible results for your eye health

Qualified Staff

Trust in our qualified and experienced staff to provide you with personalized care, tailored to your unique eye health needs

Our Expert

As an eye specialist, I have seen firsthand the transformative impact that healthy vision can have on people’s lives. It’s a privilege to use my skills and expertise to help my patients maintain their eye health and improve their quality of life. I believe that by staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in ophthalmology and investing in high-quality technology and equipment, we can provide our patients with the best possible care and outcomes.

Dr. S.P. Singh

Eye Consultant

9+ years of experience

Get One Step Ahead Of Disease

Prevention is key to maintaining healthy vision. Stay ahead of eye diseases by scheduling regular exams with our experienced ophthalmologists, who use advanced technology to detect early signs and provide personalized recommendations. Take the first step towards proactive eye health today.


Opp. B.A.M. Khalsa College, Sri Anandpur Sahib Road Garshankar Distt. Hoshiarpur

Call Us

+91 79865-43029, +91 97207-84281

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